Waiver and Liability Form
Policies, Waiver & Liability
1. Payment must be received 2 weeks prior to the start date of classes in order to guarantee your reservation, this is to ensure everyone is committed to attending. No refunds will be issued prior to the first week of the commencement date of said class. This is to ensure that we can make sure all of our expenses are covered. In order for a refund to be granted, a minimum of 7 days with a written notice (email is fine) must be received before the first class.
2. All training materials will be available via students digital homework portal. The initial recorded lesson and supporting training materials will be sent approximately 1 week prior to the start of the class to allow students time to watch and practice the material.
3. In the event of hazardous weather conditions, in-person classes will be moved to a virtual platform so that all students and instructors remain safe at home.
4. Paus-n-Train will be responsible for making up classes which are cancelled by Paus-n-Train only. In the event of a cancellation, Paus-n-Train will add an additional class at the end of the current session to make up for the cancellation.
5. Credits on accounts will expire within 6 months from the date of credit.
6. If family members are rotating attendance of in-person classes, the student attending that week's in-person portion of class MUST have watched and practiced the material in the student digital homework portal BEFORE attending the in-person session. This will maintain an atmosphere of equity amongst all attending. If one person comes unprepared, then the whole class is at risk of being delayed. Because the course materials are available in the digital homework portal then lack of preparedness will give the instructor the opportunity to forge ahead with the class material with the understanding that the unprepared students can return home to watch the recorded lesson at their convenience.
7. Late arrivals to class should not exceed 10 minutes for in-person classes. It takes time for the dogs to settle when they come in the building, if you arrive later than 10 minutes then all of the attending dogs will need to resettle which slows the learning for everyone in attendance. Please be considerate of your peers.
8. Private & Semi-Private customers: The student must give Paus-n-Train 24 hours written notice of a private lesson cancellation otherwise the lesson will be considered completed with the full amount owed to Paus-n-Train for said lesson. Paus-n-Train is not obligated to give any make-up lesson(s) due to owner postponements.
9. Please observe a “6 foot” space rule between your dog and other dogs when on the training grounds. Your dog may be friendly but the other dog may not like your dog in it's space and may provoke a dog fight.
10. No choke collars, prongs or shock collars allowed on the training grounds. Research shows that you are better off starting with the training philosophy "at first, do no harm". It will build your bond with your dog faster and more deeply.
11. Absolutely no harsh corrections or forcing the dogs to perform behaviours or obstacles while on our training grounds. If you are struggling to achieve a behaviour, ask for help from the instructor / trainer.
12. Bitches in season are allowed in class ONLY with prior written notice to Gwen Little, Owner/Operator. In season bitches MUST wear panties while on the grounds.
13. Paus-n-Train reserves the right to cancel proposed classes if fewer than 4 dogs are registered for either Puppy Prep School or Dog Manners group classes. This is to ensure we cover all of our operating expenses and be able to provide a distracting enough learning environment so that student's dogs learn to pay attention to them and not the other dogs / people.
14. Online students hereby grant permission to Paus-n-Train and its legal representatives and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use, publish and broadcast their photograph(s), likeness and voice, including via video, for trade, advertising, and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; and to alter the same without restriction. I hereby release Paus-n-Train and its legal representatives and assigns from all claims and liability relating to said photograph(s), video(s), likeness and voice and you acknowledge that you are over the age of 18 years.
15. In the event of another COVID related lock down, students participating in in-person group, semi-private or private classes may need to be prepared to complete their lesson programming online via Zoom meetings. Paus-n-Train will do all it reasonably can to support their students in this transition but understand that not all classes translate well to an online forum. If your class is one of those formats that does not translate well, then Paus-n-Train will set up an alternate class date and time once the State of Emergency is lifted.
16. Paus-n-Train will make every effort to provide a safe environment but will not be held responsible for any accidents or injuries to the dog or handler.
Acknowledgement of Risk: I /we understand that dog training contains risk to me, adult or minor members of my family or guests who may attend and to my dog because the obstacles contain inherent risk. Some dogs may be difficult to control and may cause injury even when handled with the greatest of care.
Waiver for Damages and/or injury: I/we waive indemnify and release Paus-n-Train the organization, Gwen Little from any and all liability claims of any nature, for property damages or bodily injury including death suffered by visiting parties resulting from the action of any dog or obstacles or from the facility or grounds or any other structure on or near the property of Gwen Little even if caused by alleged negligence of Paus-n-Train, visiting parties or any other persons. I expressly assume the risk of such property damage or bodily injury to the visiting parties while attending the rental ring session or any other function at Paus-n-Train or while on the training grounds or surrounding area.
Canine Vaccinations: I certify that any and all dogs (see exclusion for puppies under 16 weeks) I bring to Paus-n-Train are protected against rabies, distemper and parvo as recommended by my veterinarian and required by law. Exception: Puppy Prep School program is for puppies under the age of 16 weeks. We run our puppy classes based on the recommendations of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviourists (AVSAB). Before completion of this program, I certify that my puppy will be protected against rabies, distemper and parvo as recommended by my veterinarian and required by law.
Rules: I agree to abide by the building and ground rules. I understand that failure to abide by these rules may result in my temporary or permanent dismissal, with or without refund at the discretion of Paus-n-Train.
I understand that by forwarding payment to Paus-n-Train I am promising to abide by the rules, policies and waiver of Paus-n-Train.
Please note: If you are paying by cheque for Paus-n-Train classes, cheques are payable to "Paus-n-Train Inc." not "Gwen Little".