COVID-19 PRotocol
Indoor Classes
Updated as of January 18, 2024
Our primary focus is to be able to offer in-person classes that ALL people attending feel safe.
In order to provide a safe environment for students and to protect staff, masks are recommended but not mandatory. Many of the Paus-n-Train instructors will wear a mask for their personal safety. Please support those students who NEED to wear a mask.
As mask mandates have been relaxed, we ask that you NOT attend in-person classes if you exhibit any COVID related symptoms. We strongly encourage all attendees to continue to abide by the 6 foot social distancing recommendations, if not for COVID then out of respect for the need for each individual dog to have a social safety bubble. Not all dogs enjoy other dogs running up into their space. It’s rude in the canine kingdom.
Please DO NOT let dogs visit nose to nose while on leash on the Paus-n-Train training grounds. It’s how dogs are taught to become leash aggressive. Just ask any police dog trainer, it’s how they teach the police dogs to bite.
Outdoor Classes
Updated as of January 18, 2024
All Beginners and higher levels of agility, masks are no longer required for outdoor classes.
Puppy Alumni
Social Walks
Updated as of November 5, 2024
Puppy Alumni Social Walks:
All walks are postponed at this point in time. Please watch our FaceBook page for pop up announcements for when we will be offering a walk.
We offer a one hour, off leash walk on Saturdays at 4 pm for graduates of the Puppy Prep School program only. If you plan on joining us, puppies MUST have all of their vaccinations and MUST attend BEFORE they are 6 months of age (this is to reduce fear and stress in all of the dogs and is a requirement because by 6 months, dogs are entering sexual maturity and conflicts can become a problem.)
The cost is $5 / family (no limit on the number of dogs per household but all of the dogs must be graduates of our Puppy Prep School program). Please plan on wearing waterproof footwear for the months that we will be walking in the forest(Sept - Mid May) because it has a couple of marshy areas. Mid-May till Sept. we will be walking on the “racetrack” in the back field, no waterproof footwear is recommended.
In order to maintain continued attendance, pups / dogs cannot miss more than 3 months consecutively, again to help prevent any social conflicts among the dogs.
Walks will be cancelled for inclement weather or if we are hosting a trial / event (these dates can be found on our EVENTS page. Cancellations will be posted to both our Facebook and Instagram pages. There will be NO walks on weekends with a statutory holiday and on weekends where we are hosting an event or trial.